Tech back your bits!

What has AI been saying about your bits? Curious where those bytes from menstrual health apps are sneaking off to, or what role queer data plays in our digital world? Dive into these questions and more at “Tech Back Your Bits” hosted by bleepDigital and the Vagina Museum.

What’s on the Agenda

  1.  Afternoon Adventure: Dive into FemTech, AI & hacking!
Step into the future from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM at our interactive workshop. Get hands-on with the latest tech in biohacking, featuring smart implants and cutting-edge MedTech devices. Experience live AI demos, explore our prototype human hands fitted with smart technology, and engage in vital discussions about Gender and Tech Abuse. This session is your backstage pass to tomorrow’s technology, and your opportunity to prepare questions for our expert panel discussion in the evening. These stations will cover:
(i)                  Station 1: Bias in Artificial Intelligence
(ii)                Station 2: Hacking Station: Medjacking, Flipping & Gender and Tech Abuse
(iii)               Station 3: Data Privacy and Fem Tech
(iv)               Station 4: Biohacking and Biotech Station
2.                   Evening Extravaganza: A Panel Not to Be Missed!
The excitement peaks at 7:30 PM with our expert panel diving deep into the realms of AI bias, queer data, and the security challenges in FemTech. We have an incredible lineup of speakers, including the Director of Research at Google DeepMind, leading academic researchers, and clinicians tackling AI bias in the NHS. Explore how these innovations are transforming our approach to health, privacy, and security. Join us for a night where technology meets open, inclusive dialogue—an event you won’t want to miss! Speaker bios are provided below.

Meet our expert panel!

Dr Shakir Mohamed: Director of Research at Google DeepMind and Associate Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Shakir works on both technical and sociotechnical aspects of AI. Founder of the Deep Learning Indaba, his influential work in AI extends across healthcare, education, and more, earning him a spot in TIME 100 most influential people in AI.

Dr. Maryam Mehrnezhad: Associate Professor at Royal Holloway, Dr. Mehrnezhad has over 15 years in Information Security Engineering. She leads an international research team focusing on security and privacy in FemTech, enhancing tech safety for women. Her impactful work is featured in global media including BBC and Guardian.
Dr. Nikolaos Koukopoulos: A Research Fellow at UCL, Dr. Koukopoulos focuses on technology-facilitated abuse in intimate partner violence. With prior experience as a Crime Analyst at the National Crime Agency, he is deeply involved in researching and combating tech abuse within the UCL Gender and Tech Team. 
Dr. Xiao Liu: Senior Clinician Scientist at the University of Birmingham and the NHS Trust, Dr. Liu co-leads Birmingham AI & Digital Health Group. She serves as a Deputy Editor at NEJM-AI and an advisor to the MHRA on AI medical applications, spearheading international guidelines for AI in clinical trials.

Latest research – Straw, I., Rees, G. & Nachev, P. 21st century medicine and emerging biotechnological syndromes: a cross-disciplinary systematic review of novel patient presentations in the age of technology. BMC Digit Health 1, 41 (2023).