MedEd and SORA present: Intro to AFP

MedED and ICSM Society for Research and Academia (SORA) present: 'Intro to AFP'. We invite you to join four extremely successful doctors who will talk about their experiences with the Academic Foundation Programme (AFP). This event is open to all medical students to help you decide if the AFP is something you would like to […]

Introduction to Year 3

Calling all year 3s! 🚨🚨🚨 Clinical Genetics Society will be holding our Introduction to Third Year on 27 September (Mon), from 6 to 7 p.m. Our speakers are all experienced students who have walked this path before, and are more than qualified to provide advice regarding this long journey ahead 🏃🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ We will be covering […]

Intro to Science BSc

Welcome back Year 4! We hope you had a restful summer break and are eager to start your BSc year. MedEd are very excited to kick off the year with the Intro to BSc - Sciences BSc talk! The talk will cover the structure of the science BSc (such as ICAs), how to do well […]

AFTERPARTY – The First Sportsnight

Embargo Republica 533b King's Rd, London, GB

WELCOME to the First Sports Night AFTERPARTY ‼️🎉 Come and celebrate the start of Term (or mourn the end of summer) at the one and only Embargo Republica! Everyone is invited! 🔛

Introduction to Year 3

📣 Calling all third years 📣 CONGRATULATIONS on reaching your clinical years! Join us on ZOOM where Benji Watkins (prize winner for written paper!) will help you navigate this new challenge. We will be covering: 🗓 The structure of Year 3 🏆 Tips and tricks on how to succeed on placement 🩺 Preparing for OSCEs […]

ICSMSU Welcome

This is your chance to meet the people you will be spending the next few years with, A.K.A your new family! You will also have the chance to meet your amazing SU. Come to SAF (Sir Alexander Fleming building) in South Kensington to pick up your welcome packs, stash and wristbands, and don’t forget to […]

Boat Party: Ravers of the lost Ark

It’s the first proper event of ICSM, and what a big one to start off with! It’s only your second day, and you’re already cruising through the Thames and seeing iconic landmarks in the heart of London. Bring your cowboy hats (and whips if you’re going all out) and get ready to rave all night […]

Intro to Bioengineering / Intro to Management BSc

Welcome back Year 4! We hope you had a restful summer break and are eager to start your BSc year. MedEd are very excited to kick off the year with both the Intro to Bioengineering and Intro to Management talk on Tuesday 5th October! We will be using breakout rooms to facilitate both talks running […]

Mummies and Dads

To help you settle into ICSM, we have our very own Mums and Dads Scheme! After signing up, you’ll get assigned some second-year students and they will officially be your parents. (You may even get lucky and meet your great grandparents, 4th cousins, and great aunts and uncles!) Your parents will be there for you […]

The Fulham Palace Crusade

You have cruised your way to the middle of the first week, now it’s time to crusade through all the local pubs on Hammersmith’s famous Fulham Palace Road! Every student in ICSM will join you, even some current Docs! Bring your scrubs bottoms and prepare to cover the whole of Hammersmith in blue. Once you […]