Latest Past Events

MedEd presents: Year 3 OSCE Lecture Series

Revolution Putney 202 Upper Richmond Rd, London

Join us each week for step by step instructions how to ace your year 3 OSCEs! On each date, top students will give step by step instructions on how to excel in each different component of the exam🌟 🚨 Check the 'Discussion' tab each week to find out the topic, speaker and joining link for […]

MedEd presents: Year 3 OSCE Lecture Series

Revolution Putney 202 Upper Richmond Rd, London

Join us each week for step by step instructions how to ace your year 3 OSCEs! On each date, top students will give step by step instructions on how to excel in each different component of the exam🌟 🚨 Check the 'Discussion' tab each week to find out the topic, speaker and joining link for […]

Genes and Beyond 2021/22

Link for member sign-up: Link for nonmember sign-up: Imperial College Clinical Genetics Society proudly presents our annual conference: Genes and Beyond. This year, we are excited to bring you two days of a diverse range of talks about the hottest topics in the field of genetics and genomics! Once again, this year's conference […]