Latest Past Events

Boat Party

Festival Pier London

FRESHERS FORTNIGHT DAY 2: BOAT PARTY ON LOVERS LAKE It’s the first proper event of ICSM, and what a big one to kick off with! It’s only your second day, and you’re already cruising through the Thames and seeing iconic landmarks in the heart of London. Dress to impress for the first big event, in […]

ICSMSU Fresher Welcome

Sir Alexander Fleming Building Imperial College Road, London

FRESHERS FORTNIGHT DAY 1: ICSMSU WELCOME TO HAWKINS Come and meet the people who will be your family for the next three or six years (and the rest)! You will also have the chance to meet your amazing fellow SU. Come to SAF (Sir Alexander Fleming building) in South Kensington to pick up your welcome […]

Introduction to Science BSc Talk

MedED is delighted to announce our Introduction to Science BSc Talk happening on Wednesday 28th September at 7pm via MedAll