If you’re struggling financially or in any other way feel free to contact our Welfare Chair, Jack Hall. Alternatively here is a list of charities that may be able to help you:
- BMA Medical Education Trust
BMA Charities, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP.
Grants for students taking Medicine as a second degree who have debts exceeding £25,000 and who do not have access to fee loans or the NHS Bursary Scheme.
- Dentsply Scholarship Fund
British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8AL.
Dentists who are studying medicine and suffering financial hardship.
- The Foulkes Foundation (applications for 2015-16 closed)
37 Ringwood Avenue, London, N2 9NT.
Grants for science graduates taking medicine, at PhD or equivalent level, with intention to contribute to medical research. Grants of up to £2,000 pa, tenable for up to three years.
- The Follett Trust
Mr Brian Mitchell, Follett House, Follet Office, Primett Road, Stevenage, SG1 3EE. Tel: 01438 810400
Grants are made to students in higher education, including scholarships. To apply send an SAE.
- George Heim Memorial Trust
Paul Heim, Wearne Wyche, Picts Hill, Langport TA10 9AA. Tel: 01458 252097
Grants to young people under-30 to encourage them in education.
- Gilchrist Educational Trust
Mary Trevalyan Hall, 10 York Terrace East, London, NW10 4PT.
Will help those carrying out elective study.
- Leatherseller’s Company (closed for 2015-16)
15 St Helens Place, London, EC3A 6DQ.
Grants for one year (renewable) for medical students in England.
- Medical Women’s Federation
Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HX.
Modest awards to female medical students.
- Mercer’s Company
Mercer’s Hall, Ironmonger’s Lane, London, EC2V 8HE.
Will help UK medical students in City of London hospitals.
- Professional Classes Aid Council
10 St Christopher’s Place, London, W1M 6HY.
Makes grants or loans to students during clinical years only.
- The Tim Rice Charitable Trust
Mrs E Heinink, 31 The Terrace, Barnes, London SW13 0NR
This general trust fund has a positive bias towards education & medical research. Applications can be made anytime.
- Royal Medical Benevolent Fund
24 King’s Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 8QN.
Money available for children of medical practitioners.
- The Royal Medical Foundation
The Royal Medical Foundation, College Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 4JQ. Tel: 01372 821011.
The RMF exists to support medical practitioners and/or their dependants who find themselves in financial hardship.
- The Royal Scottish Corporation/ScotsCare
37 Kings Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 8JS, Tel: 020 7240 3718.
Assists Scottish domiciled students living in the London area.
- Ruth Hayman Trust
PO Box 17685, London, N6 6WD. www.ruthahaymantrust.org. info@ruthhaymantrust.org.uk
Supports the education and training of adults who have come to settle in the UK and who speak a language other than English as their first language with small grants of up to £500.
- Sidney Perry Foundation
PO Box 1689, Hindon, SP3 6TP.
Only helps with second degrees in medicine where first degree was at least a 2:1. Grants of up to £500.
- Sir John Cass’ Foundation
Sir John Cass’ Foundation Clerk to the Governors, St Jewry Street, London, EC3N 2EY.
Financial assistance for students under 25 living in former London LEAs.
- Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust
c/o Mrs C M Ford, North Street Farmhouse, Sheldwich, Nr Faversham, Kent, ME13 0LN.
Modest awards for students over 24 undertaking postgraduate studies.
- Futures for Women
c/o The Revd B Harris, Honorary Secretary, Meadowbrook, Carlby Road, Greatford, nr Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 4PR.
Interest free loans to female students, repayable when the grantee is in work.
- The Victoria Foundation
http://www.thevictoriafoundation.org.uk Tel: 020 8332 1788
Provide funds on a bursary basis to those with proven academic ability, drive and ambition to succeed.