I’m a Club Captain
FRESHERS FORTNIGHT DAY 6: IM A CC GET ME OUT OF THE UPSIDE DOWN This will be the end of your first week of Freshers Fortnight and the just beginning…
FRESHERS FORTNIGHT DAY 6: IM A CC GET ME OUT OF THE UPSIDE DOWN This will be the end of your first week of Freshers Fortnight and the just beginning…
FRESHERS FORTNIGHT DAY 5: BATTLE OF SOCIETIES This is the first social for everything non-sports/arts related! Come for a chance to get to know everyone in the academic societies by…
FRESHERS FORTNIGHT DAY 4: FIRST SPORTS NIGHT This will be your first of MANY sports nights at ICSM! These will be an opportunity to get to know your future teammates,…
FRESHERS FORTNIGHT DAY 3: PAPAS AND MAMAS You’ve probably not been on your best behaviour by this point, but no worries, your “parents” will be here to set you straight…
FRESHERS FORTNIGHT DAY 2: BOAT PARTY ON LOVERS LAKE It’s the first proper event of ICSM, and what a big one to kick off with! It’s only your second day,…
FRESHERS FORTNIGHT DAY 1: ICSMSU WELCOME TO HAWKINS Come and meet the people who will be your family for the next three or six years (and the rest)! You will…
Welcome to the Leadership elections 2022! It's time to decide which students YOU want to represent ICSM on our Students' Union! Join us in the Brian Drewe Lecture Theatre in…
Get ready for an evening you'll never forget! Celebrate the end of this chapter of your life with the company you've shared it with over the past 6 years. STFYD…
ICSMSU PRESENTS Graduation After-Party! Come and celebrate a night to remember with the 5th years and recent graduates 🎓 It’s taking place at the trendy Revolutions Putney, and there’s a…
WELCOME to the First Sports Night AFTERPARTY ‼️🎉 Come and celebrate the start of Term (or mourn the end of summer) at the one and only Embargo Republica! Everyone is…